Saturday 6 September 2014

country summer

2nd August

I am so glad now that I wrote those last few updates as so much has happened in such a short while and I’ve been caught up in a whirl of busyness. The summer has stretched out seemingly endlessly. I wake up to bright sunshine and look out on the beautiful countryside from the front window, and then in the evenings we watch the sun finally set across the horizon out the back and go to bed and it is still light over the field. Day after day of sunshine and fulfillment. Strawberry picking and jam making and seeing old friends and making new ones and spending time with our beloved, happy, special grandson, and helping out at Ben’s, and tracting the village, …..and church!! Not one but two. Sunday mornings find us at Castle Combe and then in the evening we walk through the village to the local chapel. Hopefully we will be used here to get alongside the villagers and reach out to the children. I read a little booklet recently by T. Epp. In it he wrote ‘ “Come on Abraham. I want to take you to a country that you don’t know anything about. I’m not going to tell you where it is; I’m just going to show you. Just keep going.” That was the way God called Abraham.’ I feel that is the way God called us too. During that tiring bank holiday weekend in May, lugging boxes to the van and wondering why I was leaving behind my beautiful garden those words were foremost in my head, ‘obey Me, just keep going’. Ben and Jenny and Stephen worked tirelessly and I am so grateful for the precious children God has given me. And so grateful to be settling into life in Tiddleywink where God wants us and where we will humbly try to follow Him.

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